Albert Einstein photos and letter now online
That visit, on May 3, 1946, was chronicled by several black and white pictures that we have in the archives. The pictures that we have posted online include two of Bond and Einstein in their academic robes, posing for pictures after the conferring of an honorary (Doctor of Laws)on the great physicist; one of Einstein and Bond with other black robed men, one of whom is former LU president William Hallock Johnson; one of Einstein at a blackboard in a University Hall classroom; and one of him, also in University Hall surrounded by children -- the children of faculty members, according to the student newspaper, The Lincolnian, in which this photo also appears, along with a very brief article describing the event of Einstein's visit.
These various items relating to Dr. Einstein's visit to Lincoln University on May 3, 1946 are posted on the HBCU Library Alliance's Digital Collection Celebrating the Founding of the Historically Black College and University, in Lincoln University's collection.
To go directly to that collection, in which we have posted items chronologically (so look for 1946 for the Einstein materials)...CLICK HERE:
It should be noted that Albert Einstein's visit to Lincoln University coincided with a conference on "Objectives and Curriculum" that occurred on May 3rd and 4th and included a session with W.E.B. DuBois as guest speaker -- written up in the same issue of the Lincolnian as the brief article about Einstein's visit (June 4, 1946).
And of course the Lincolnian is available as well, from our website, or by following this direct link...CLICK HERE.