LU Lone Arranger

"Lone arranger" is archivist-speak for someone who works as a solo professional, rather than as a member of a large team of archivists (a generalist rather than a specialist). In this weblog I will share announcements, responses to reference questions that have come my way, and some of my previously unpublished writings relating to Lincoln University and its Archives and Special Collections, located in The Langston Hughes Memorial Library of Lincoln University of Pennsylvania.

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I was the Special Collections Librarian in Lincoln University of PA’s Langston Hughes Memorial Library from August 15 2005 - August 12, 2010, having served as Archivist Assistant in the same department prior to that, starting in 2000. My advanced degrees are an M.L.I.S. (Master of Library and Information Sciences) from the University of Pittsburgh and an M.A. (history) from West Chester University (PA), and I am a Certified Archivist (by ACA, The Academy of Certified Archivists). My undergraduate major (Bryn Mawr College) was anthropology.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

"Great Debaters": Lincoln University v. Oxford University in 1925

The Lincoln News of February 1, 1927 reports that Lincoln University was the winner of the first interracial, international debate in 1925, held at Bethel AME Church in Baltimore, against a team from Oxford University. For the story, CLICK HERE.

That "1925" is a typo (suggested by the fact that the article was published in February 1927, an unlikely time lapse for a 1925 event to be reported) is confirmed by another report of the same event in another campus publication, The Lincoln University Herald, which identifies the date as December 1926.

You can also do a search for other stories in the student newspapers, The Lincoln News and The Lincolnian by going the Lincoln website, clicking on Library, clicking on Special Collections and Archives, clicking on Digital Collections, Clicking on Lincoln News and Lincolnians, following the link to the database, and then following the directions under the Search tab.

Melvin Tolson, the subject of the recent Denzel Washington film, The Great Debaters, graduated from Lincoln, but unfortunately it was in 1923, which was several years before the first student newspaper was published. However, the Lincolnians report that Tolson visited Lincoln several times, and following his death in 1966 the English club was renamed the Tolson Society.

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