Two images from the Lincoln University Archives are featured in a recent publication by the Teaching Company, the DVD set of video lectures,
Albert Einstein: Physicist, Philosopher, Humanitarian, taught by Professor Don Howard, University of Notre Dame. These are two black and white images of Albert Einstein's visit to Lincoln University on May 3, 1946, and they appear in Lecture 21, "A Lifelong Commitment to Social Justice," on the 2nd DVD, about six minutes in. One shows Albert Einstein at the blackboard in a classroom full of Lincoln University students and the other shows Lincoln University President Horace Mann Bond giving Einstein an honorary degree.
The student newspaper,
The Lincolnian, June 4, 1946 has another charming image: Einstein mingling with a group of group of faculty children during his visit, as well as a brief article about the visit. This image and accompanying article are accessible, along with all the student newspapers, at
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